Dr. Schieferecke, ND

Providing an Empowering Space for Women to Optimize Hormonal and Menstrual Health

My Story

My body was weak, exhausted, and fatigued. I had 5 more sets of hills left to run, and my body was unable to go. Frustrated with myself and feeling sheer disappointment from my coaches, I had no answers or explanations as to why. Months passed with no change in my body’s ability to perform and no answers from doctors. I began to become utterly disappointed in myself because nothing was working. Depression hit me hard, anxiety about losing my scholarship set in, and mysterious pounds kept building up. Conventional doctors ignored my concerns and brushed them off like this was nothing more than a common cold that would go away.

Frustrated with the lack of support, I found myself in a holistic practitioner’s office. Skepticism filled my body as the appointment began. Within minutes my doubts slowly vanished, and I finally felt a sense of hope. Someone finally listened to my concerns and gave me the answers that inspired me to pursue a new career path. Working hard to incorporate the doctor’s recommendation, I found my body was slowly getting stronger. As my body continued to heal and bounce back, my college running career came to an end abruptly leading to the disappearance of my identity as an athlete, which I had no clue how to be anything but.      

Falling in and out of depression for many years I struggled to find my true self as I continued battling stress, anxiety, and body image issues. I finally decided to seek help for my mental health which led me to a wonderful Naturopathic Doctor. Within the first couple of weeks of following the doctor’s treatment plan everything in my life shifted tremendously and after a year I felt like a whole new person. My journey fueled my passion for naturopathic medicine, as well as my desire to help people heal, people feel heard,  and to live their best lives. This is why I became a Naturopathic Doctor.

Why Naturopathic Medicine?

Are you frustrated with lack of answers, feeling unheard, only being offered medication, and/or wondering if something will finally work?


Naturopathic medicine is focused on patient-centered care that provides individualized care and treatment for all patients. Our training focuses on finding the root cause to your condition or illness, creating personalized plans centered on whole body healing, and helping to eliminate the obstacles preventing your body from fully healing.

My Health Approach

Find the Root Cause
Find out what is truly causing your symptoms or condition.
Whole Body Approach
Symptoms and conditions are a manifestation of the body being out of harmony. Harmony comes when the whole body is working together, not separately. Whole body healing incorporates healing the mind, body, spirit connection.
Re-establish the Mind, Body, Spirit Connection
Healing the body is more than just a physical component, mental and spiritual components are involved as well. Optimal health is achieved when these three are in sync.
Focus on Foundations of Health
Sleep, nutrition, stress management, and physical exercise are all tools that are need to achieve optimal health. These are the components that set us up for optimal health.
Make Fun and Achievable Goals
Achieving health doesn't have to be boring. You need a doctor that helps you achieve health while making it fun through realistic goals and individualized care.
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